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Navigating August Energies, 2024


As we transition through August's energetic portal, many of us, and our loved ones will be going through very deep processes.

Cosmological influences are extremely heightened at this time as we experience consistent outpouring of light from our Sun (solar flares and CMEs), which blankets us in an atmosphere of illumination. This influx of plasma light courses through our being, as this divine transmission permeates every cell and strand of our being, generating huge shifts on all levels and layers- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual-energetic.

This is because our Milky Way's position in the universe is shifting. We are in what we call the 'photon belt'- an advantageous alignment for all manner of awakening and ascension activity. This is the unfolding of the higher destiny of humanity, Mother Earth (Gaia Sophia) and all creation.


There are also massive geomagnetic changes occurring that are stripping back the veils- essentially anything that was obscured, hidden or concealed from our awareness, is steadily being disclosed.

As the magnetic fields change, it becomes increasingly difficult to sustain illusions. Now is a time of revelation, as deeper traumas and repressed wounds are emerging to the surface to be seen, held and compassionately loved. This is our ‘deep descent’, the ‘dark night’ as we open our hearts to receive the divine breath of spirit, and love’s pure frequency, that pours through us- drenching every particle. As we are saturated in this cosmic light, it dislodges and revives all unloving energies within our field. These unloving energies are what uphold patterns of disease, imbalance and emotional pain and suffering.

As we accrete an increasing light quotient, many of our deepest wounds are being shown to us- energetic scars may be surfacing more than usual. Very physical shifts are also underway, as our bodies play ‘catch up’, attempting to assimilate these huge upgrades into the cells. Some of the main symptoms I am seeing are fatigue and tiredness, headaches and head pressure, flu-like symptoms heat/chills, body pains, rashes etc. Now is an important time for grounding and supporting our physical bodies as we morph into our greatest becoming.

As the veils dissolve, everything becomes transparent. We start to see clearly, as we are gifted more comprehensive access to that which may have previously been out of sight or not on our radar. You may be noticing your own 'blind spots' and unconscious patterns- as well as noticing them within your family and friends.

Now is a time to hold gentle compassion for yourself and others as we collectively move into deeper levels of witnessing (our oversoul’s compassionate observation) to finally bring remedy and healing to these heavy wounds, traumas and ancestral patterns. This occurs through acknowledgment, acceptance, love and forgiveness of all that we have been through.

The August energies are extensive, and continue well beyond the 8-8-8 portal. The 8th of August represents the opening of the door, the bridge between dimensions- and these heightened energies continue well into late August. As we move through this shift of the ages, we are truly at a massive threshold of this cycle of time. Many of us have pre-birth incarnation agreements to be here at this time, to assist in liberating consciousness on Earth, for our genetics, our ancestry, our soul’s totality in all parallel realms, and for all universal life and creation.

During this period, you may be tying up loose ends and discerning where to direct your life force. This may be a time of deep introspection, where you’re conserving energy and longing to be in your own quiet space. This greatly supports our deeper processing as we become more intentional with our habits and activities. You may notice great fatigue and depletion in body, mind and spirit when investing your life force into misaligned creations. You may be feeling unease and discomfort, as the things we used to do (which perhaps even defined us- eg; our career, or relationships), don't feel as meaningful or inspiring as they once did.

Remember, this is not the universe working against you, rather, it's the great cosmic nudge, encouraging you to consider new, more expansive possibilities for your own higher path. It’s our journey of remembering our own divinity and eternal nature, and all that we chose to forget about ourselves, as we come into our fullest embodiment. The stimulating effect of August’s solar flares, activate us on the deepest cellular level, helping us to access our inner gnosis (our original knowing). With the geomagnetic conditions intensifying, and the veils becoming transparent, we see the illusions and limiting stories/scripts we had bound ourselves to. This brings us face to face with any unresolved shadow aspects such as guilt, shame, disempowerment, fear, unworthiness, victimisation, betrayal, anger, grief etc.

For many, this begins by realising all ‘that you’re not’. In letting go of all that isn’t truly you, the authentic version of you can shine. Many of you may feel that you’re ‘in between realms’, where much in your life is dismantling, yet the new manifestations haven’t taken shape. This is a sacred pause and holding phase as deeper processes of clearing, transmutation and realignment occur. As old creations and old identities entangled within those creations are dissipating, you may be grieving as you’re called to let go of that which is no longer in alignment with your soul's higher timeline and direction- to make way for the true passions, gifts and higher cause of your existence.

This is a time to tune into your most authentic values and virtues, your highest visions, and to let go of unnecessary control and anticipating outcomes. Your heart holds your inner spiritual source, and is your guiding beacon of light, illuminating the way forward. It is the ancient wisdom within, guiding you faithfully, soothing the ego-mind and its fear of the unknown.  As we let go of things needing to ‘make sense’, we can flow gracefully with the current energies which are supporting us.

Now is a time to devote yourself to love, to trust unconditionally that all that is underway is part of a much grander orchestration.

By following your greatest passions, joy and inspiration, you fast track your higher trajectory and the miracle of unexpected blessings and synchronicities in your daily life- the unspoken language of the universe confirming you are heading towards your True North.

When you remember yourself as love, you lift into an entirely different octave of reality, or rather, you emanate that presence through you, and you become brighter, healthier and happier, as new opportunities are magnetised towards you for freedom, abundance, health and harmony.

We must remember, we are creator beings- our very existence is creational at the blueprint level, and we came here to create in freedom.

May your journey be bright, may you breathe in this outpouring of love and remember who you truly are. For you are love embodied. Many blessings for this transformation love. Be kind. Hold the Vision. Be gentle. You are loved.

With eternal grace and gratitude,


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