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Katrina is an ascension guide who focuses on multidimensional healing.

She truly believes that each individual is never separate from Source, and is always perfectly whole, divine and interconnected on all dimensional levels at all times. Through years of holistic healing therapy, she has observed that the main collective overlay is the belief that we are separate from love.

Her work focuses on resolving deep seated traumas, ancestral patterns and limiting beliefs that obscure one's connection and embodied access to their most expansive life vision.

Her deepest passion is aligning all willing hearts with their highest potential, empowering every soul to reunite with their own authentic essence, spiritual purpose and unique frequency. She honours this process as one of divine gnosis (remembrance), facilitating transformative healing spaces to catalyse each being into their most expansive, empowered essence. 



New Zealand

Katrina changed me.

She completely cracked my world open and allowed me to see beyond the veil. I have learnt not to fear the void but to surrender to the divine instead. I have slowly deprogrammed myself from not only this life, but generations of programming that were preventing me to connect with my higher self and be authentic in this present moment.


I can’t thank Katrina enough for the nurturing space that she has held and the healing that she’s facilitated. I feel a deep and profound shift within myself and I’m not the same person that I was when I started.


I feel more connected to my body than ever before and my inner peace is beyond what I’ve previously experienced. 

The Netherlands

Katrina is an amazing human being and a wonderful healer.

My first healing with her was deeply nurturing. 


This healing experience calibrated me for days after the session. I highly recommend connecting with her!! It's is the ultimate act of self love!


My womb healing session with Katrina was absolutely exquisite.


It brought me a deep sense of peace and remembrance of the purity of my being.


 To anchor this into my body, knowing, and soul is a gift that I now get to hold to offer to others I work with as well as my future children.


May we all open to receive that which is aligned for the highest good of all and for the unfolding of greater possibilities for unity and harmony on Earth.

Your generous contributions support me in continuing to expand my community offerings at this important time of global awakening and healing.

There is much behind the scenes that is involved to create and sustain these platforms, healing hubs and communities of light, whilst journeying with life amongst the current structures of reality we all experience.

This is a path I graciously choose upon waking every day and will continue to do so, as I answer the divine call that enlivens me with every breath.
Thank you eternally, for your support in opening the divine gateways of the heart, and assisting me in opening to receive the abundant love that is plentiful in our divine universe.

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